Color Analysis

Find your Seasonal Palette with Color Analysis

“The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you” — Coco Chanel


A personal Color Analysis is a 2-3 hour service designed to discover your best colors and how to recognize them. This is the first step to build up a flattering and functional concept wardrobe. I will also help you find your perfect lipsticks, eyeshadow tones and blush! 

Are you ready to know which chromatic season you belong to?


The full color analysis includes:

  • Personal Color Analysis with special colored fabrics.
  • Customized digital guideline with personal palette, recommended make-up & hair color, outfit ideas.
  • 1 month remote support.

Price: 250 CHF

The quick analysis includes:

  • Personal Color Analysis with special colored fabrics.
  • Personal color palette in postcard format.

NOTE: no customized digital guideline is provided with the Quick Color Analysis 

Price: 150 CHF​

Combo with another service: 10% discount on the final price

Gift card

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Rankstrasse 6, 8032 Zürich